With the MesoTrax PDO Thread Lift, you can benefit from the latest and safest non-surgical method for 3D facial lifting.

In previous years, the only solution to sagging skin was a surgical face lift. However, the advent of PDO thread lifting with hypoallergenic MesoTrax suture suspension threads gives quick results without pain, scars or prolonged downtime.

PDO thread lifting with premium-quality MesoTrax threads represents the ideal non-surgical facelift. Threads treat a number of facial ageing concerns, such as soft tissue descent in the central face, prominent nose-to-mouth lines and jowls. Loss of definition in the jawline and cheeks can be improved instantly by the Mesotrax PDO thread lift procedure. In short, it's the perfect choice for those who may have tried non-surgical lifting methods involving radiofrequency, ultrasound or dermal fillers in the past, yet are still left with skin laxity.


The duration of the MesoTrax PDO thread lift treatment depends on the number of threads needed. This varies from person to person, depending on the quality of the skin and the degree of laxity present. The treatment itself is not painful as our experienced practitioners apply numbing cream to all treatment areas beforehand. The use of dental block may be required for sensitive areas; there might be some pain and discomfort associated with this.

PDO thread lifts use sutures that reabsorb. This gives the face a naturally rejuvenated look without surgical intervention.


The MesoTrax PDO Thread Lift itself may last up to several years. The anchoring threads are typically absorbed by the body after 6 months, but whilst they remain in place, your body will produce collagen around the area, whilst acts as a permanent scaffold.

You may be slightly swollen for up to 48 hours after your MesoTrax PDO Thread Lift, but may return to normal daily activities immediately afterwards.


For best results, our practitioners typically recommend an anti-ageing skincare regime to be used at home. A selection of bea Skin Care products, alongside complimentary professional treatments to address skin tone and/or texture, may be recommended alongside a suspension lifting procedure.

1Before your treatment
  • During your first appointment, our Skin Specialists will discuss your specific skin concerns along with anything else bothering you
  • Our experts will analyse your skin to determine its anti-ageing needs. Depending on the findings, a customised solution using MesoTrax PDO Threads will be recommended alongside additional treatments and/or products to optimise your results
2After your treatment
  • Aftercare products will be applied to the treated parts in order to to soothe the skin, and minimise redness and swelling
  • You may resume normal activities immediately after the session is complete

Before and After

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